If you are involved in a fender bender, which is classified as a “minor” car accident, you are definitely not alone. Even though fender benders are extremely common, you may forget what you should be doing once it has happened to you.
After all, any type of traffic accident is often stressful, chaotic, and scary, even when you or the other driver have not sustained any injuries.
Below are some tips from Asheville NC auto accident attorney Lakota Denton on what to do if you are ever involved in a minor car accident or a fender bender:
#1 – Stop
Directly after the crash make sure you stop your car. If the accident was only a fender bender you can pull your car off onto the curb or the side of a street or road. Once you are safely off the road activate the hazard lights on your car. If you are unable to move the vehicle, activate the hazards and leave your car as it is.
#2 – Contact The Police
Call 911, and report your accident. Even when there are no injuries that have come about from the accident, police officers perform the role of a third party that is neutral. They will also create a report that may assist you when it comes to an insurance claim.
#3- Take Photographs
Once your vehicle is safe and you have made the call to 911 to report your accident, take as many pictures as you can of your car and the other vehicle. Make notes of the damages to both vehicles. It is also important to take photos of the actual location where your accident occurred. If there were witnesses at the scene, take down their contact details and ask if they will be willing to make a statement.
#4 – Exchange Information With The Other Driver (10 Things You Need to Have)
This step is very important after a minor accident. Here are the details you need to exchange with the other driver:
–Phone number
–Date of birth
–Email address
–License plate numbers for each car
–Driver’s license numbers along with the expiration dates
–Insurance policy numbers and the contact information for each insurance provider
–The contact details of any witnesses
–The model, make, and the year of each vehicle
As soon as the police officer has arrived at the scene of the accident take down their badge number, name, contact details, and the report number for the accident. It is important to ask the office for your own copy of this police accident report. This could take a few days but it will be extremely helpful when you file your claim. In North Carolina, follow these additional tips to get a copy of the accident report.
#5 – Try Not To Say Too Much
You should focus on only exchanging information with other parties involved in the accident. Rather wait for a police officer to arrive to make your statement. When you do make a statement talk briefly about the facts.
#6- Contact Your Insurance Company
The last step involves calling your insurance carrier in order to report your accident. One of the representatives will provide you with options available to you and help you make a decision on what best suits your situation.
#7 – Contact a Car Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation
Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you may need the services of an expert. 99.9% of personal injury lawyers offer a FREE Consultation and will listen to your circumstances, and let you know if you need a lawyer, and answer any questions you might have.