Personal Injury Calculator for Settlements
Usually a good personal injury lawyer can hear your case info and have a good idea of what kind of settlement you will be in line for. Yet there are some tools out there that can guess at these amounts.
Lawyer Calculator is an incredible resource for anyone looking for an accident settlement claim approximation. After answering a few quick questions about your claim, Lawyer Calculator\’s proprietary algorithm takes all of these factors into consideration when providing you with a claim estimate. Lawyer Calculator\’s lawyer database can then help you immediately find the best representation in your area.
Lawyer Calculator can help you calculate your potential personal injury settlement for a car accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall accident, medical malpractice and wrongful death. There is also an \”other\” category that can be used for any other type of personal injury settlement calculation.
#1- Asks \”Type of Accident\”…. I choose Car Accident…

#2- Asks \”Where did Accident Occur?\” …… I Choose Chicago, Il
#3- Aks \”When did Accident Happen? …. I choose today
#4- Asks \” What pain and suffering has your accident caused?\” …..

#5- Asks \” What current financial damages has your accident caused ?\”… There are different sections for A-Property Damage, B-Out Of Pocket Expenses, C- Medical Expenses and D- Lost Wages. The amounts you can put in range from o-1K to 50k plus.
#6- Asks \”What future financial damages will your accident result in?\” …. Here you have sections for \’estimated future lost income\’ and \’Estimated future medical expenses\’.

Putting in the area of Chicago, Il and 50k on each of the different damages sections came out with a $300,000 estimated settlement. Yet different geographic areas would come up with different results.
Example if you put your LOCATION as Boston, MA and did Medical Malpractice instead of car accident, and then put in FRACTURE and surgery, along with different amounts related to damages, say all at 25-50k . Then your settlement amount would be $230,000.
Then if you put in that you had only minor pain and not much expenses, it would only be $16,200 – 19,000.
YET if you had an actual Wrongful Death case, then it could be as high as 50 million dollars! It all depends on a lot of factors and why you should always hire a TOP Personal Injury Lawyer who gets results for clients. Personal Injury Settlement Calculator is a great tool and unlike many other tools, you dont need to put in any email or contact info, it just works!