Personal Injury Claims 'should receive more money'

A recent ten per cent increase in the amount of money winners of civil cases receive it not nearly enough, according to an industry expert.

David Bott, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, said that the rise applied to general damages for victims still falls short of recommendations from the Law Commission which stated that a 50 per cent boost should be added.

\”It is bitterly disappointing that the Ministry of Justice is still seduced by the myth of a so-called \’compensation culture\’ when Lord Young, who conducted a review of health and safety and litigation, said in his report that it is \’more perception than reality\’,\” Mr Bott went on to say.

He added that the only people who will benefit from the recent civil litigation reforms are the defendant and their insurance company.

Recently, it was reported by the Guardian that lawyers are calling for a pause in the legal aid reforms from the government or risk leaving the most vulnerable people without access to justice.


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