Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers Take the Stand in Spark360 Profile

When somebody decides to sue for wrongful death or injury caused by negligence, the resulting legal battle can often put one person versus an entire company, its team of lawyers and its unlimited resources. How the Dallas-based personal injury claim lawyers at Frenkel & Frenkel help balance the scales of justice for those individuals is the subject of the new spark360 \”Social Business Video\” profile, now available for viewing on www.spark360.tv.

The firm\’s co-founders, brothers Mark and Scott Frenkel, have some formidable weapons in their legal arsenal. Frenkel & Frenkel have access to the latest 3D imaging and computer animation technologies, and the brothers both used to work on the defense side of a courtroom representing doctors, hospitals and large corporations before starting their own firm in 1994. One of the firm\’s attorneys is even an M.D., so Frenkel & Frenkel have unique advantages that they can leverage for clients.

But as Mark Frenkel tells host Renay San Miguel during an interview on the spark360 virtual set, his firm never forgets the \”personal\” in personal injury cases.

\”You cannot divorce yourself emotionally from your case,\” Frenkel said. \”That\’s what these cases are about, and there may be a tendency after doing this almost 20 years to become hardened. But we don\’t, and we draw on our own personal lives, things that have happened to us. When we are attending a client\’s funeral, when we\’re representing a family that\’s lost a loved one, when we\’re visiting them in the hospital, all along the way, we\’re there for the family both as counselors and as attorneys.\”
How the Dallas-based personal injury claim lawyers at Frenkel & Frenkel help balance the scales of justice for those individuals is the subject of the new spark360 \”Social Business Video\” profile, now available for viewing on www.spark360.tv.

The spark360 cameras visit the personal injury claim lawyers\’ North Dallas offices as Mark and Scott Frenkel demonstrate techniques they use in courtrooms to reconstruct accident scenes for juries, and show their use of various compelling audio/visual aids. Scott Frenkel said the technical tools are vital in leveling the playing field for clients who may be taking on big corporations when they sue for damages due to such issues as DUI injuries, industrial accidents, defective auto parts, physician malpractice lawsuits, pharmaceutical mistakes and nursing home abuse lawsuits.

\”One of the things that we wanted to do – and I know it sounds cliché – but we wanted to fight for, quote, \’the little guy\’ because it takes a lot of resources to go up against these companies, these doctors, these hospitals, these nursing homes and their attorneys,\” Frenkel said. \”It\’s almost impossible for someone to bring about a medical malpractice case by themselves. There are a litany of procedural traps.\”

\”We\’re taking on billion-dollar corporations, Ivy League lawyers, stables-full of lawyers with unlimited funds,\” Mark Frenkel added. \”We\’ve got to match them financially, and then we have to match them technically, and then we have to match them with our manpower, and we can do all that.\”

The personal injury claim lawyers\’ success has resulted in recognition from peers and established journalists. The Frenkel brothers have been listed in D Magazine\’s \”Best of\” issue, and Mark Frenkel is a frequent speaker at Texas Trial Lawyers Association events. Frenkel & Frenkel is basking in the success of a $1.7 million verdict won for a client, a case that was featured by investigative reporter Brian Ross during a recent episode of \”Nightline.\”

\”It\’s easy to see why the Frenkel brothers have enjoyed such success in the courtroom. The passion they exhibit in fighting for their clients is on display during our interviews with Mark and Scott,\” San Miguel said. \”I think our audience will also come to understand how Frenkel & Frenkel fight off negative stereotypes about personal injury attorneys by focusing on their professionalism, the formidable resources they bring to bear against well-funded legal opposition, and how they never forget that their clients are human beings looking for some sense of justice for what has happened to them.\”


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